Free School Maria Montessori-Cittadellarte
The collaboration between Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto and Associazionedidee ceased on September 1st 2011.

The Free School Maria Montessori-Cittadellarte is a family school for children from 1 to 6 years created in 2009 by Cittadellarte, Associazionedidee,  and a group of parents interested in the education of their children.
It aims to be an open community of children, parents, grandparents and Montessori educators where the enormous human potential contained within young and old can harmoniously grow and develop.
The School is recognised by the Opera Nazionale Montessori.

The School is situated on the ground floor of a yellow liberty style house, surrounded by an ample garden, inside Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto Onlus.
The spaces are organised in classrooms reserved for diverse age groups and in corners dedicated to transversal activities, as in the case of washing, the activities of practical life and the space for mobility. The organisation of the environment allows for the acquisition of autonomy and personal identity through the use of sensory materials made available to the children. Also the resting room welcomes the smaller children for their afternoon nap.
Materials and spaces respond completely to the constructive needs of the mind and the body of the small child.


Freedom of Movement

Freedom of choice

Self-development in a group of peers

To absorb an environment of life that is scientifically prepared and filled with love

To learn without prizes and punishments

To have a sensitive and affectionate teacher who has faith in the child and favours his or her education respecting his or her time and ways

Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle (AN) in 1870, she dedicated her life to scientific studies becoming a psychiatrist and working with children with impairments. After attaining great educational results with disabled children, she was asked to look after a government school in Rome in 1907, where in a short time she developed her method.
Today schools all over the world apply the principles that Maria Montessori has diffused in her many travels around the world.

Has profound knowledge and an acute interpretation of the infant years. His or her work is to help children to allow themselves to liberate their constructive energy through work and concentration. He or she curates and prepares an environment of life that is always beautiful and responsive to the evolutionary needs of children.
One becomes a Montessori educator graduating in Montessori didactics for first infancy by attending and passing a course from the Opera Nazionale Montessori, the charitable institution for formation recognised by the Ministry of Public Instruction.
