Minimum Prize
Sede del Terzo Paradiso
1st July, after the conference "Arte e scienza" at 8 pm delle ore 20
Minimum Prize awarded to El Puente_lab
The Minimum Prize is a prize placed at the minimum level compared to the ones destined to big personalities who have dedicated their lives to the peace or the civil progress cause.
The Minimum Prize wants to be at the basis of the research, the incentive and the motive of a process aiming at the values of new civilization perspectives as an objective. It is a starting rather than an achievement award. It is an acknowledgement celebrating who promotes a responsible social transformation.
It is meant as a primary relationship among people producing a big change in human civilization through the interaction of single units. Minimum like an embryo, like a principle generating a new society, like an access key to an evolutionary stage where creativity and human science find ways to live with the intelligence of nature.
This year at the 11th edition, the prize is awarded to El Puente_lab and Juan E. Sandoval.

El Puente_lab is a laboratory of cultural activation, a platform for artistic production operating in Medellin (Colombia), whose objective is to create communication bridges between art and the inhabitants, to face together the concrete problems they experience in everyday life. The projects developed use artistic creation as an instrument to activate cultural dynamics contributing to education through a direct participation, to communication through sharing and to a conscious responsibility of the processes of urban and social transformation.
El Puente_lab is formed by artists who have participated in the residency programme UNIDEE – University of Ideas and was founded by Juan E. Sandoval, artist and director of Cittadellarte’s Art Office.
El Puente_lab, starting from its name meaning connection and conjunction, fully responds to the spirit proper of the principle of Trinamics: the art of creating an interaction between two different, even opposite, elements generating a third original phenomenon, which results from a harmonic, yet dynamic and energetically vibrant, balance between the two initial elements.

2001 I edition Sislej Xhafa with DIAFA
2002 II edition Tal Adler
2003 III edition  progettozingonia
2004 IV edition Jamil Hilal and Ilan Pappe
2005 V edition Richard Stallman
2006 VI edition ReMida
2009 VII edition Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli
2012 VIII edition Jeanne van Heeswijk
2013 IX edition Charles Esche
2014 X edition Emergenza Primavera